Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm Lovin their Swagga!!

Mr. + Mr.

East London based Mister and Mister's 'Project Nemesis' collection was struttin the London Fashion Week 2010 On/Off show, with innovative designs adding an eccentric twist to the classic tuxedo bringin another aesthetic edge to men's fashion.
I love their designs and approach to their collection, it brings such flavour into men's clothing. The use of leather and velvet panelling on some of the tops, the use of leather as a neck peice in contrast with a plain shirt and casual bottoms hangin loosely inside stellar kicks! This is clothing that makes me wish I was a guy sometimes!!
I'm pretty sure many guys are probably a little shaken with the approach to this style, but with a combination of certain peices, they could be peiced together in a less edgy way for those of us back in Canada/America who are into more casual ensembles.

Check 'em outt @ Mr.+Mr.