Friday, February 12, 2010

We Are The World 25 for Haiti

It was the the world premiere of ‘We Are The World 25 For Haiti’ with NBC’s coverage of the Opening Ceremony of the Vancouver Winter Olympics tonight. Gathered with all the most amazing artists, the recording of ‘We Are The World 25 For Haiti’ embodies the same enthusiasm, sense of purpose and generosity as the original recording 25 years ago, written by Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie gathered by Quincy Jones.

The 25th Anniversary recording features over 80 artists and performers. Every one of the artists who participated, regardless of genre or generation, walked into the room with their hearts and souls completely open to coming together to help the people of Haiti.

I love the rendition of this peice, and I Love how they had that verse dedicated for MJ in the video! It has always been one of my favorite peices, so meaningful with the music accompanyin the lyrics, bringin the World as One.

Make your donation today, $1 goes a Long way!
I made Mine @ We Are The World Foundation