Monday, December 7, 2009

A Hidden Presence in Threads of Hermès

Wow...the Japanese, always & constantly leaves me speechless. The concept is sooo simple, so minimal yet so incredible & inspiring...I'm a little lost at words. This concept brings a simple sheet of Hermès silk to life, metaphorically givin it a breathe of life...bringin the notion of an invisible presence to threads of silk...
Now This is what I call a Window Display!! Without all that jazz & crazy over-load of furniture wantin to escape from the frames.

Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka's new installation is set up within Maison Hermès in Japan. Based off his 2004 window display, this new set up features a restructured design with an appearance by a famed Japanese actress.

The display can be seen until January 19th, 2010.

Tokujin Yoshioka's Concept:

“On designing a window-display of Maison Hermès, I intended to express people’s daily ‘movements’ with a suspicion of humor. There are moments when I perceive a hidden presence of a person in the movements born naturally in daily life. I created a design where one can perceive someone behind the scarves as if life were being breathed into them. The window is designed with an image of woman projected on to a monitor. The scarf softly sways in the air in response to the woman’s blow.” – TY