Wednesday, March 2, 2011


“Maybe the reason why I haven’t found who I’ve been searching for is because I know that I’ve already found him. It’s just up to him to say whether I am who he has been waiting for..." (Quoted)

I've often asked how people know whether they're in love or how they know "He/She's the One". I've asked one of my friends how she knew he was the one. At the moment of questioning, she could almost put her own life on the table to prove her love for him...but when the love fades & the attraction is gone, 7 years really doesn't mean anythin at all...
Recently, I've realized that some things and some people are maybe kinda 'meant' to be in our lives. And that it doesn't matter how far you've gone, how many people you've met or how long it's been, we somehow cross paths with them down the road if they're meant to be in our lives. Does that mean we're given a second chance? And if we take it, does it mean they're suppose to be the one? What if you took this chance, only to discover that this was just a crossing path you both happened to cross together, but don't arrive to the same destination. Is that just fate playin games with us? Or is it a chance we're suppose to be willing to take...