Thursday, March 3, 2011


"If tears can help mend a broken heart, you should just pour it all out. Tears are like the blood that leaks from your broken heart. Cry it all out & your heart will do the healing."-JKwan

A friend of mine just had her heart broken last night, and hasn't stopped cryin, not understandin why or how it all happened... That is just the beginning of a lifelong shield that will be formed around the wounded heart.

Hearts are broken countless amount of times a day all around the world. Some heal faster then others, some seek another person's affection to conceal the pain, some cry their hearts out hoping to still be in the arms of the heartbreaker wantin to hear that 'everything's going to be alright'. But no matter how hard you cry, no matter how many people you try to seek comfort in, deep down your heart is still shattered into broken pieces. There is no remedy to ease this pain, there's no glue strong enough to stick the pieces back together and there will always be a flaw you can't polish out.
After a heart's been broken, the brave ones never give up and try again. The guarded ones pretend that they don't have a care in the world and won't dare to give their hearts out again. Then there are the ones that never healed, ones that can never be left alone for they are afraid of standin on their own...

Some people wonder why it's so hard to break down walls and barriers some people have, built around their hearts. Everyone's got a story, maybe reading between the lines will solve their mysteries...